Embracing Healing Through Creativity: Crafting Empowerment with Canva

Branch with affirmation poster that says "I am worth of good things."

Create Your Healing Affirmation with the Canva Graphic Design Program

Hello, my friend!

Today, we're diving into the world of digital art using the design app/program called Canva. This is a FREE, very user-friendly, online graphic design tool that will allow us to bring our affirmations to life as an 8.5x11" poster.

Whether you're new to graphic design or just looking to express your creativity, this tutorial will walk you through each detail, making the process a breeze.

First, though, I want to share the ’what,’ ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind the use of affirmations in your trauma healing.

Pile of rocks on a reflective surface and one rock has the word "healing" written on it.

Affirmations serve as visual reminders of positive statements we should be saying about ourselves.

You see, our reality is constructed by our thoughts, and our mind can’t decipher between a thought based in reality or one that we’ve made up.

So, if you’re like me, and have an evil inner critic who’s constantly telling you lies about yourself, you will want to reframe those thought patterns as quickly as possible.

Affirmations, when repeated with belief and enthusiasm, over time can help you align your inner voice with your outer goals.

Empowering Benefits of Affirmations in Trauma Healing

To really drive the point home, here are just a few of the benefits of using affirmations:

  • Positive Reprogramming of Beliefs: Trauma leaves deep emotional scars and can create a very negative belief pattern. Affirmations introduce new, positive beliefs that counteract these negative perceptions of ourselves. Regularly seeing and repeating affirmations helps rewire your brain's neural pathways, gradually replacing harmful thought patterns with healthier ones.

  • Empowerment and Self-Worth: Trauma can lead to feelings of helplessness and lack of control. Affirmations empower you by reminding you of your strengths, abilities, and your potential for healing. Reading and internalizing affirmations creates a sense of self-value, encouraging you to take charge of your own healing journey.

  • Creating Safe Space: Affirmations give you a visual place where you can retreat during stressful times. There you can ground yourself, feel supported, and regain your sense of security.

  • Promoting Mindfulness: Affirmations encourage mindfulness and to stay present in the moment. Reading and reflecting on your affirmations redirects your focus to the present, helping you detach from traumatic memories and any anxieties associated with the past or future.

  • Building Resilience: Trauma can also undermine your self-esteem and resilience. Affirmations promote a positive self-image and encourage you to face your challenges with greater confidence. They reinforce the idea that healing and growth are possible even after difficult experiences.

  • Stress Reduction and Relaxation: When you practice your affirmations it can result in positive emotions that help reduce stress by triggering the release of the “happy” chemicals in your brain like endorphins and oxytocin. Reciting your affirmations often can help you calm your mind and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression that often come along with trauma.

  • Reframing Your Thoughts: Trauma can skew your perception of reality and self-worth. Affirmations can help you identify and challenge your negative or distorted thought patterns. It's like a mental makeover where you take a closer look at your thoughts, rearrange them, and replace unhelpful ones with healthier and more balanced views on yourself and your experiences.

  • Encouraging Positive Self-Talk: Affirmations promote a kind and compassionate inner dialogue. By reading them to yourself, you’re replacing that evil inner critic’s voice and narrative with a more compassionate and loving inner monologue.

  • Social Support and Connection: Affirmations can be shared with and appreciated by others, building a sense of connection and support. In group coaching settings, these posters can serve as conversation starters, giving people the opportunity to share their own affirmations and stories, building a sense of community and mutual understanding.

  • Visual Manifestation of Progress: As you progress in your healing journey, your affirmation posters become physical representations of your growth. Seeing the evolution of your affirmations over time can remind you of how far you've come and strengthens your commitment to ongoing self-care and healing.

Harnessing the Creative Power of Affirmation Posters

Incorporating affirmation posters into your healing process can be both a creative and empowering way for trauma survivors to take control of their own narrative.

Through positive imagery and words, these posters provide continuous support and encouragement as you work toward healing and reclaiming your life.

So, are you ready to bring your positive affirmation to life?!

Do you already have an affirmation in mind? If not, and you need some inspiration, my favorite place to look is Pinterest, but you can use Google or any web browser as well.

Step 1: Welcome to the Amazingness that is the Canva Universe

1. Open your web browser and visit www.canva.com.

2. Click on "Sign up" or "Log in" if you already have an account. Follow the prompts to create an account or log in.

3. First things first, you need to get cozy with Canva. If you're a newbie, don't worry, I've got your back. Once you're in, you'll feel like a kid in a candy store, surrounded by all the pretty colors, fonts, and graphics that are just waiting to be your creative playground!

4. I’ll walk you through the basic steps, but if you want to learn even more click HERE for Canva’s in-depth tutorials

Step 2: Choose Your Canvas

Screen shots of step 2 of Canva tutorial.

No, I'm not talking about a painting canvas. I'm talking about your digital canvas! This step is like laying down the foundation for your masterpiece.

1. Once logged in, you'll land on the Canva homepage. Click on the "Create a Design" button located in the upper right corner.

2. Click on Custom Size’ and enter 8.5 inches for width and 11 inches for height in the provided boxes.

3. Click "Create Design" to start working on your affirmation poster.

Step 3: Embrace the Blank Canvas

Screen shots of step 3 of Canva tutorial.

Now, I know a blank canvas can be a bit intimidating, but trust me, it's a beautiful blank slate. Although you do have the option of starting with one of Canva’s beautifully designed templates, then you can customize anything!

But for our purposes, just start with the blank canvas.

1. On the left-hand side, you'll find a variety of design elements. Click on "Backgrounds." You may need to scroll down the left menu to find it.

2. Choose a background that resonates with your affirmation theme. You can search for colors, patterns, or images that speak to you.

3. Click on your chosen background to apply it to your canvas.

Step 4: Fontastic

Screen shots of step 4 of Canva tutorial.

Ah, typography, the art (or in my case dilemma) of choosing the perfect fonts to compliment your words. Canva has a bazillion fonts to choose from.

And you can sort them by type too!

Want something bold and empowering? Go for it.

Feeling elegant and whimsical? Yep, they've got that too.

Experiment, mix, and match until your affirmations jump off the screen.

1. Click on the "Text" tab on the left sidebar.

2. Choose a text layout that fits your style. Choose a text style you like, click it, and it attaches itself to your canvas.

3. Now, click on the text box to edit the text and type in your affirmation. Don’t forget that you can customize this text by changing the font, size, color, and more by using the tools on the upper bar.

4. To resize or reposition the text, click and drag the text box's corners or edges.

Step 5: Graphics Galore

Screen shots of step 5.2 of Canva tutorial.

Time to sprinkle in some graphic magic!

Feel like a star? Add a star.

Want to show growth? A sprout icon might be your jam.

Seriously, do some digging through all the different options this program gives you…

1. Explore the "Elements" tab to add icons, shapes, or illustrations that complement your affirmation.

2. Click on the element you want to add, and it will appear on your canvas. Resize and reposition it as needed.

3. Experiment with different elements to enhance your poster's visual appeal.

Step 6: Download Your Masterpiece

Pause for a moment and take in your stunning creation! Can you feel the words you chose, the colors you painted, and the patterns you embraced? It's like a visual love letter to yourself.

1.     Review your poster and make any necessary adjustments.

2.    Next you can click on "File" in the top menu and select "Save" to save your progress. You can also create folders and completely organize your creations.

3.     Click on the "Download" button in the upper right corner.

4.     Choose the format (JPEG or PNG) and quality that you prefer.

5.     Click "Download" and save your masterpiece to your computer.

Step 7: Print and Display

1. Open the downloaded file on your computer.

2. Print your affirmation poster on an 8.5x11" sheet of paper, or you could have it printed professionally as well.

3. Frame your poster or place it somewhere you'll see it daily for a boost of positivity!

Now, find a spot to place your poster once you print it. It could be your bedroom, your workspace, or wherever you need that boost of positivity.

Every time you glance at it, you're reminded of your strength, your journey, and your ability to overcome.

Reclaiming Your Story: Crafting a Narrative of Empowerment and Resilience

Human hand holding a pen, writing the word 'Reminder' on a white background.

Remember that this project is about taking control of your narrative. When trauma knocks you down, it's easy to feel like someone else is writing your story. But with your empowering affirmation poster, you're the author. You're the one who's crafting your tale of inspiration and strength. Every word, every color, every pattern is a reminder that you're in the driver's seat now!

Reclaiming Your Story: Crafting a Narrative of Empowerment and Resilience

And as you pour your emotions into creating your poster, you're releasing them, bit by bit, from the depths of your heart. Your creativity is taking the pain and transforming it into something beautiful, something that reminds you that you are NOT defined by your wounds. You're defined by your courage to confront them, heal, and rise above.

Raising a Toast to Your Healing Odyssey and Creative Transformation

So, my friend, here's to the healing journey you're on. Here's to the power of creativity and the magic of Canva. You’re on your way and with each affirmation you create, you're one step closer to becoming the masterpiece you were always meant to be!

You've got this!

Two champagne flutes sparkling against a dark black background.

The Healing Power of Journaling: Unveiling the Depths of Mental Health Recovery